If you want to know how to choose a crypto bot coin pair in under 5 minutes, then wonder no more. This video will show you how to do it.
Knowing how to choose a crypto bot coin pair can make all the difference in how much you earn in a year.
If you can spare the time and brain power, it is better to spend a bit of time researching some coin options, but if you just want to start watching some options quickly, this method works a treat.
Always, always, always, watch the bot performance for a while in Demo mode before putting real money on it.
I say a minimum of 3 days but a week is always better.
If it is a good coin pair, the bot should be able to profit handsomely off it for some weeks and months so watching it for up to 7 days isn’t mean you are going to miss out on much in the long run, but if it was only having a short spike and wiggle and then settles into calmness, then you will be back looking for another one shortly.
Anyway, check out this video to see a quick way of choosing a pair to run a bot on.
And if you want to get shown the best way to run crypto bots to make them super profitable, why not follow the step by step instructions of a crypto multimillionaire and get trained in THE PLAN.
CLICK HERE to find out how to do it.
And if you’re unsure about THE PLAN, then check this in-depth review and see if it will fit with your investment strategy.